ESCA English Speakers Club of Asdod Thu, 16 Jan 2025 15:41:51 +0000 en-US hourly 1 ESCA 32 32 I didn’t know that! Thu, 16 Jan 2025 15:41:31 +0000 And now : some ironies and funnies from life in general and the English language that we learned from the Internet. Some of these facts may make you say, “I didn’t know that!” And then you can immediately forget them:

  • The word “listen” contains the same letters as the word “silent.”
  • Funny oxymorons (a figure if speech in which opposite or contradictory ideas or terms are combined):
    Open secret; found missing; small crowd; pretty ugly; original copy; ill health;
    clearly misunderstood; sad smile; peace force (so often used in the Middle East);
    and one of my favorites – deafening silence.
  • How do you make the number one disappear? Add a ‘g’ and it’s gone.
  • The word ‘robot’ comes from the Czech word ‘robotnik’ meaning slave.
  • ‘Nice’ is derived from the Latin “nescius” which meant ignorant, unaware or ‘not knowing’.
    And you thought it meant cute or pretty.
  • The word ‘gauze’ is derived from Gaza (!) because this ancient city was known for making
    very fine fabrics.
  • The name ‘gorilla’ is derived from the Greek ‘Gorillai’ meaning the ‘tribe of hairy women.’
  • The word ‘wedding’ originates from the Anglo-Saxon word ‘wedd’ which meant a wager or
    gamble. (Ho-boy! Isn’t that the truth!)
  • Of the more than 170,000 words in English 1,700 were invented by Shakespeare.
    Not only were Donald Trump, George W. Bush, and Bill Clinton born in the same year…they were also born in consecutive months.
  • The sun can fit about a million Earths inside it.
  • In a deck of cards, every king except for the king of hearts has a mustache.
  • The lint that collects in the bottom of your pockets has a name — gnurr.
  • Beethoven and George Washington were alive at the same time — in fact, George Washington was in his 40s when Beethoven was born. (There’s one to wow your musical friends.)
  • There are more public libraries than McDonald’s in the US. (There’s hope for the education system yet.
  •  Every odd number has something in common: every odd number has an “e” in it.
  • German chocolate cake is named after a guy named Sam German, not the country.
  • The creature that kills the most people every year isn’t snakes, sharks, or even other humans — it’s the mosquito.
  • There is an island in the Bahamas that’s inhabited only by swimming pigs.
  • There are lower-case numbers in addition to lower-case letters. (But I don’t know what they look like.)
  • There are trees that can grow more than one kind of fruit, and they’re called fruit salad trees.
  •  T-shirts were originally marketed to unmarried men who didn’t know how to sew buttons back on collared shirts by themselves.

My friends, I could go on and on. But I’ll stop here before I put you all to sleep. Below, on the next page, are our usual notes about things you should know. And with that I’ll sign off for the moment. Have a great 2025 and may we all have good tidings!

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Things to do when you don’t know what to do Sun, 08 Sep 2024 09:48:48 +0000 And now for a little bit of lighter stuff:

In the interests of public social health, I went to the Internet to look for ideas for tried-and-true ways to help us all through the present crisis. I found plenty of websites devoted to “100 ways to be calm” and “Forty-five ways to help your neighbor through a crisis” and “twenty-five yoga poses to do every morning to feel good” and so on and so on. As a public service to our members, I have created a comprehensive list of things to do when you don’t know what to do. In essence, when there is nothing but bad news and you want to feel better, the simplest thing to do is to shut off the television or radio. But some of us want to know what is going on. So here it is, how to cope. I have already presented some advice in previous newsletters, but the war goes on and we need some refreshing ideas. And if some of the ideas seem dumb, blame the Internet. Here goes:

  • Move the furniture around. If it’s too heavy, try moving some of the tchachkas. It refreshes the atmosphere.
  • Straighten up the junk drawer. Everyone has one. Get rid of anything from the last century unless it has a vital use.
  • Clean up things in your home that normally get overlooked: wash your pillows, clean the filters in your washing machine/dish washer/air conditioner. They will all smell better and work more efficiently.
  • Clean your walking shoes. Make white look white and other colors shine out.
  • You can try learning a new language. It keeps your brain cells sharp.
  • Head outside. Get some fresh air. Walk around and really see where you are going.
  • Go for a picnic. Invite a friend or two and break out some wine or beer.
  • Start a garden. If you don’t have outdoor space then turn your windowsill into a miniature park.
  • Take a drive, in your own car or on the local bus. Go around and see new places.
  • Hit the beach. Slather on the sunscreen and go for some fun in the sun. And you can do it in the winter as well. The crashing waves soothe the soul.
  • If you’ve got YouTube (and who doesn’t?) you can tour the great museums of the world, see outstanding movies and operas, get the greatest books and generally see the world from your armchair. You just have to click a few keys.
  • Start an aquarium. Watching the fish (who have a reported attention span of three to five seconds) can be as good as Zen.
  • Watch an old movie. The older the better.
  • Bake some cookies. It takes more skill than you may think. Practice makes perfect.
  • Call or text an old friend. Catch up on news and views.
  • Exercise. Check the Web for appropriate age levels. Do it all – tai chi, chair yoga, floor yoga and all the other possibilities on YouTube.
  • And while you’re on YouTube, check out old comedy movies or television shows. The possibilities are almost infinite. You’ll pass the time pleasurably and pickle your brain cells simultaneously.
  • When you have a little time on your hands, try doing something you’ve been putting off. Paint that wall you’ve always wanted to paint, hang up a picture, or fix that squeaky door.
You are doing all right in life if… Thu, 04 Jul 2024 15:54:13 +0000 1. You have a roof over your head.
2. You ate today.
3. You have a good heart.
4. You wish good for others.
5. You have clean water.
6. Someone cares for you.
7. You strive to be better.
8. You have clean clothes.
9. You have a dream.
10. You’re breathing.

I would say that if you can identify with six to seven of the above, you’re doing all right. Specifically, number 10 is an important point.

While perusing the Internet I discovered that you don’t need a lot of money because it can’t buy:

1. Manners
2. Morals
3. Respect
4. Character
5. Common sense
6. Trust
7. Patience
8. Class
9. Integrity…….and most of all:
10. LOVE – but the Beatles already told us that years ago.

If you are willing to get up and go outside you can find lots of things to do with your kids and grandkids. Because of the ‘situation’ most activities are held indoors where there is a safe place to crouch and wait until the all-clear. In truth, there are SO many things to choose from – movies, folk-dancing and dance presentations, singing artists and singing together in a group – and it goes on and on. To find out all there is to do just go into the ‘applicitzia’ “Ashdodit” and you have all the activities listed chronologically. If you are like me and you feel that you already have enough ‘applicatziot’s I suggest getting ahold of a progeny or grandchild and have them go through the suggestions. If the activity requires a ticket you order the ticket via your phone. Although sometimes frustrating, when you get this app you can register the number of your car’s license plate and you have free parking by the seashore. Otherwise – and this is a very well-kept secret – you have to pay for parking at the beach. I don’t know how they collect the fee, but they will find you. So do yourself a favor and join the thousands of happy inhabitants of our fair city and download this app if you have not already done so. From time to time, they send your messages about what is happening around town. It’s worthwhile.

And here is a public service announcement: DRINK WATER!

And now, in the interests of raising public awareness to the rich variety of subcultures within our own eclectic culture, we present a list of some of our favorite Jewish Country and Western song titles. They are real – no kidding!
Honky-tonk nights on the Golan Heights
I’ve Got My Foot On The Glass – Where Are You?
Stand By Your Mensch
I Balanced Your Books But You’re Breaking My Heart
The Second Time She Said “Shalom” I Knew She Meant Goodbye
You’ve Been Talking Hebrew In Your Sleep Since That Rabbi Came To Town

I’m tired Fri, 10 Nov 2023 15:52:02 +0000 Here’s an abbreviated list of creative ways to say “I’m tired.”:

1. I’m whacked.
2. I’m dog-tired.
3. I’m spent.
4. I’m on my last legs.
5. I’m bushed.
6. I’m exhausted.
7. I’m worn out.
8. I’m knackered.
9. I’m beat.
10. I’m pooped.
11. I’m done.
12. I’m sleepy.
13. I’m flat out tired.
14. I’m dead on my feet.
15. I’m running on empty.
16. I’m running on fumes.
17. I’m fatigued.
18. I’m tired out.
19. I’m weary.
20. I’m tired to the bone.
21. I’m dragging.
22. I’m stuffed.
23. I’m drained.
24. I’m wiped out.
25. I’m drowsy.
26. I’m wiped.
27. I’m fried.
28. I can hardly keep my eyes open.
29. I’m off to bed.

Some of us, I’m sure, can think of more ways. How about Ain li coach?

Ways to deal with stress Fri, 10 Nov 2023 15:46:55 +0000 According to the American Institute of Stress (there really is such an institution) there are some quick ways to alleviate stress. Hearing an air-raid alert is a stressful event. With missiles reaching Ashdod from time to time we have to run (carefully) to our safe area. Between alerts there are things you can do to relieve that stressful feeling. Here are a few of them:

  1. Meditate

    There is a good reason why this is on the top of the list. Meditation allows us to observe our thoughts and emotions in a detached, non-judgmental way.
    Meditating for as little as 10 minutes every day can significantly reduce your stress and anxiety instantaneously. Studies have discovered that meditation can not only help in reducing stress, regular practice of meditation can also minimize the risk of cardiovascular disease.
    All you need is to sit down, close your eyes, and bring your attention to your breath.

  2. Breathe deeply

    “Breathing is the number one and most effective technique for reducing anger and anxiety quickly.” (And if you permit me to add a personal observation, it’s the most effective method for staying alive.)
    All you need is to take 5 minutes off and focus on your breath. Breathe in fresh cool air through your abdomen and breathe out warm air releasing all your tension.

  3. Practice mindfulness

    Shift your focus from negative thoughts to positive ones. Perhaps a fond memory will help you pass through the moment.

  4. Scan your body

    Scanning your own body mentally can help you understand where you are holding tension, how it affects you, and help you release stress as well.
    All you need to do is sit comfortably or lie on your back and just scan your body from your toes to your scalp. As you move through each part of your body, gently notice how it feels physically. (I suppose this means you start at the extreme bottom and say, “Hello toes,” and then work your way up.)
    Be aware of places you feel tight or loose without trying to change anything.” By simply scanning your body for 2 minutes you can help it relax. Breathe deeply into your body while scanning and imagine fresh breath flowing to the specific body part you are scanning. Be aware of the sensations and repeat the process for each Body scan meditation can help with stress relief, improve sleep, enhance self-awareness, reduce pain and boost self-compassion.

  5. Listen to music

    Plug in your earphones and listen to your favorite music. Experts have found that music can have an instant calming effect on our mind and body. (I think we all know this.) Listening to your favorite music can also reduce your anxiety, heart rate, and blood pressure. Or you can listen to sounds of the ocean, a bubbling brook, birds chirping or whale calls and allow your mind to relax. You can also listen to more peppy and upbeat tunes to lift your mood and even sing along.

  6.  Try hydrotherapy

    Splashing some cold water on your face and pulse points can help you cool your body temperature and make you feel energized. Running cold water or putting ice on your wrists can help you calm down quickly as major arteries run through the wrists.

  7. Get some sun

    Step out of your home or office for a while and feel the warm sun on your skin. Vitamin D from the sunshine can lift your mood instantly.

  8. Take a quick walk

    Getting some fresh air and moving your body for just 10 minutes can clear your head and make you feel ready for the tasks ahead.

  9. Laugh!

    Laugh out loud with your friends and family. Watch your favorite sitcoms or funny videos on YouTube to enjoy a full-on laugh-out session. (This is my personal favorite.)

  10. Chew gum

    Chewing gum can help you keep stress away and enhance your productivity and mood. (Don’t forget to brush your teeth.)

  11. Practice creative visualization

    Mentally imagine what you want — your goals, objectives, dreams, and think about how you want to feel about it.

  12. Massage your hands

    If you want to know how to relax then simply give yourself a hand massage for 5 minutes.

  13. Eat the right food

    Food and drinks like dark chocolate, honey, and green tea are known to relieve stress and anxiety. (another one of my favorites)(especially the chocolate)

  14. Stretch

    Instead of going for an hour-long yoga session you can stretch certain body parts while on the go to relieve body tension and relax your muscles.

  15. Take some alone time

    Spend time alone and gather your thoughts and emotions. Spending 5 minutes with yourself can help you calm down a lot.

  16. Look outside

    Simply stare outside from the window and look at the sky, clouds, trees, park, or even people walking outside. Take a break from the tv screen and look at life.

  17. Sniff oranges

    The citrusy scent of oranges can help to reduce stress and anxiety and boost your mood.

  18. Pet a furry friend

    Spending some time with your pet can help to greatly reduce your stress and anxiety levels instantly.

Fun Facts Tue, 28 Mar 2023 13:11:07 +0000 And on a lighter note, we once again present fun facts that you will probably never have reason to use. From our prospective, we might have already used these facts in our last newsletter and you’ve already forgotten them. They have a high recycling value. Let us know if you catch us out. Anyway, it’s fun to read about them, so go ahead – but only when you are really, really desperate for something to read.

  1. Flamingos can only eat with their heads upside down.
  2. The opposite sides of a die will always add up to seven.
  3. No number from 1 to 999 includes the letter “a” in its word form.
  4.  Playing dance music can help ward off mosquitoes. (Try it, but tell the mosquitos first.)
  5. If you open your eyes in a pitch-black room, the color you’ll see is called “eigengrau.”
  6. A group of hippos is called a “bloat.”
  7. Pogonophobia is the fear of beards.
  8. Alaska is the only state whose name is on one row on a keyboard.
  9. A “jiffy” is about one trillionth of a second.
  10. The little dot above a lowercase “i” and “j” has a name. It’s called a “tittle.” It’s likely a combination of the words “tiny” and “little” since it is an itty-bitty dot.


Apple seeds contain cyanide. The deadly compound is released when you chew the seeds so you should definitely not chew them – and be sure to spit those seeds out. Do the same for apricot, peach, and cherry seeds, which also contain the compound that is released when the seed is chewed. (Have you ever had an inclination to chew a peach seed?)

Important Information Tue, 28 Mar 2023 13:04:23 +0000 ❖ For information about ALL medical problems (real and not goofy) – whether short-term or long-term check out This directory contains names, descriptions, contact information and more (in English!) for healthcare assistance and support organizations in Israel. You’ll find the help you need at their site.

❖ Information about Bituach Leumi for the elderly can be obtained in English at: 02-6463404 or in Hebrew at: 02-6463400. There will be someone to listen to you and advise.

❖ In times of stress: Call the Moked Ironi 106 from a landline or *10681 from a cellphone to report a problem or to get help with one. Someone will take your information and help you.

Home Front Command Information Center Tue, 28 Mar 2023 12:57:23 +0000 A very important source of information is the Homefront Command (Pikud HaOref). They are the arm of the armed forces that is responsible for keeping things running back home if, God forbid, there is any kind of trouble from our neighbors over the border. Their English website (thank goodness for that) can be reached at and you’ll find out what to do. In a national emergency when it is vital to get information immediately the Home Front Command Information Center is available to answer your questions 24/7. Call 104 from any phone.

Government English Website Tue, 28 Mar 2023 12:54:37 +0000 One really important piece if information we would like you to have is something passed on to us by the H.O.B. (Hitachdut Olei Britannia) and the AACI (Association of Americans and Canadians in Israel) and I checked this out myself. The Israeli government is providing a convenient English website helping you to navigate (easily) the many Israeli ministries that provide around 734 services. It’s all in English and it’s about the only website you’ll ever need to find the help you need. Go to to go into a portal that will show you the way to obtain an Israeli passport, driver’s license, how to pay a traffic violation after you have that license, help if you have a family or personal situation, how to make out your Israeli taxes, Tabu (land registry), culture and much more. I said 734 srvices and by the time this newsletter goes out there may be more (or less – it’s the Middle East). But it is really worth a try if you are befuddled and are trying to get help from any Ministry. Once you go into the website you’ll feel better just by knowing there is help available. I’ll say it again, that’s . One click and you will probably find the help you’ve been looking for from one of the 62 web pages available.

Israeli Ministry of Immigrant Absorption Tue, 01 Mar 2022 13:17:37 +0000 Check out the website of The  Israeli Ministry of Immigrant Absorption
.They may have an assistance program to fit you needs. To log onto this site, CLICK HERE.

There’s information about housing, employment, education and many other things.
Contact them for information 24 hours a day at : 03-973-3333
