March 2025 | PURIM Edition
Spring is in the air! Or, at least, it's on the calendar. In recent years it seems that the seasons appear whenever they want to. The poor trees are all in bloom. The weatherman keeps talking about cold spells, but is it really so cold? Those of us who come from countries where winter is winter have a hard time relating to the weather as really winter. We really feel cold when we go into our homes. Inside the cold walls it's cold. So remember to keep a few layers of clothes on when you're inside, and peel them off if you're outside in the middle of the day.
But enough about the weather. As I mentioned in our last newsletter (and every newsletter before that) our city continues to provide all kinds of culture, from music to theatre to dance. There's no need to travel to Tel Aviv, as we did in the old days. The culture comes to us. Of course, there is the problem of bundling up warm in the evening and getting to the Mishkan where most of the performances are staged. There are plenty of othere things to keep you active provided by the Community Centers (Matnasim) in various parts of town. All you have to do is phone them or write to them by email. Don't just sit around and wait for something to come to you. Be proactive and search out activities. You won't be sorry!
Emergency Numbers
Citizens Rights in an emergency situation (Hebrew) (need to google translate if you do not know Hebrew)
Israel Home Front Command (Pikud HaOref) Phone: 104
This is the official address for Israeli citizens during these times:
Israel Police / Phone: 100
MADA – Ambulance / Phone: 101
National Fire and Rescue Authority / Phone: 1299
Emotional Support
Association of the Deaf in Israel
Contact: +972 52-6033505 / Website:
Al-Anon Israel serves friends and family of alcoholics
Crises Intake for U.S. Citizens in Israel
Eran Hotline
Sponsored by the Ministry of Aliyah and Integration to provide emotional support, is open for immigrants to Israel in English, Russian, Amharic, French and Spanish between the hours of 4pm and 9pm at *3201. Website:
Ezer Mitzion
- psychological support: 1800808100
- special for people 60+: 1800802030 (between 8am and 8pm)
- want to volunteer?: 0732477777
- need medical equipment?: 036144500
- Bayt Cham: *9518
- Special professional hotline, for free, for boys, for girls, in English also: *8147, 24/7 *for more
- info:
Get Help Israel
Help Line for Holocaust Survivors
Number to call is *5105 or 03 5682651
Kav LaOved – Workers Hotline
Foreign aid workers are able to check regulations via this link:
Leket food Bank in Israel
Mashaabim Center
Parenting and family in an emergency:
Health Funds
Meuhedet *3833 – 3 for English
Maccabi *3555 – 4 for English
Leumit *507 – 4 for English
Clalit *2700 – 4 for English
English News Resources:
Israel National News:
The Jerusalem Post:
The Times of Israel:
Arutz Sheva:
Other Helpful Resources:
Libby – Israel Digital Library
LIBBY for the Southern Evacuees Click here
Behavioral guidelines while driving a vehicle during sirens
Choosing a Protected Space – Pikud HaOref
How to explain the war to our children: A guide for parents
The Silent Radio Broadcast Stations Activated During Shabbat
Foreign Embassies in Israel
Give A Kid A Break Fund
The school year is upon us once more. Well, it’s not upon us exactly but it’s upon all those kids
Are you a volunteer?
ESCA in the community
At the all-new “Bleeker Bakery” (former Arik and Sharon) at the Sea Mall
In times of stress: Call the Moked Ironi 106 from a landline or *10681 from a cellphone to report a
Info about your rights!
Senior citizen resident of Ashdod? You have benefits!
Good To Know!

CHAI means alive
And also the number 18. Everyone who donates DOUBLE CHAI (36 NIS) or more will be featured in our "To Life!" section. So give life to ESCA and enjoy it. Of course, anonymous gifts will also be appreciated. An idea for a present for one who has it all. Want to give more? 100 NIS makes you a CENTURY DONOR; 50 NIS a JUBILEE DONOR.
Thanks for the donations
NOTE: All donations to ESCA are used for mailing our newsletter and for basic refreshments at our events.