Important Links
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For a half - century, AACI has represented the interests of the North American immigrant community in Israel and explained Israel and its interests to the Jews of the United States and Canada. At the same time, it has built a society that is an external extension of those communities. It has provided social services, counseling, financial aid, and cultural activities for its constituents.

Visit the virtual home of our city, the municipality of Ashdod.

Jobnet is a service of AACI brought to you with the financial help of The Ministry of Science & The Samis Foundation. Here you can find a job, submit your resume or look for employees. It is being updated daily by AACI staff and human resource departments all over Israel.

The Jerusalem Post
More than one - million readers a month visit The Jerusalem Post Internet Edition from all over the world. The Jerusalem Post was among the first pioneering newspapers to mount a web site in 1995.
The Jerusalem Post Internet Edition is the primary source of information for anyone interested in news about Israel, about Jewish affairs or about developments in the Middle East region.

Maven Search
Founded in 1994, MavenSearch is the leading directory and search engine for Jewish content related websites.
Using advanced proprietary technology, MavenSearch enables users to quickly find websites by either browsing through over 250 related subject categories or searching using a unique engine which can deal with the different phonetic spelling variations of Hebrew words and phrases.

The United Jewish Israel Appeal is UK Jewry's commitment to Israel and the Jewish people.
UJIA ISRAEL, incorporating the British Olim Society, is the representative of UJIA in Israel and has a strong tradition of helping people, expressed through the implementation of UJIA initiatives and programmes throughout Israel.

ESRA is an independent non-profit organisation run by volunteers.
It was started in 1979 by a group of English Speaking residents of Herzliya and Kfar Shmaryahu, primarily to fulfill a social need and to assist their integration into Israeli society.
A lot of info at the links page.

Casa Shalom
Casa Shalom - Institute for Marrano-Anusim Studies
Casa Shalom is a centre for the study and collection of material on individual and collective secret Jews from all over the world: Jews of Meshed, Ireland, Sao Tome , New Mexico, South America, Cuba and other caribbean islands, Spain, Portugal, Balearic Islands.

EMDA – the Alzheimer's Association of Israel
EMDA – the Alzheimer's Association of Israel. A lot of info about Alzheimer. Most of he site is in Hebrew but there is an English section as well. .

Israel Science and Technology Homepage
This site is Israel's national database and directory of science and technology related web sites. It includes companies, government agencies, institutes of higher education, research centers, funds, associations, and conferences in Israel.

The Times of Israel
is a new online Israeli newspaper, established by the former editor-in-chief of The Jerusalem Post.

Chelm-on-the-Med© Online
is a unique Israeli news outlet that shares the zaniest incredible-but--true news stories gleaned from the Hebrew press in Israel, presented in English tongue-in-cheek style. These stories never make the Washington Post…not even the Jerusalem Post.