We’ve always known that honey is a natural sweetener. That’s why we dip an apple into it at this time of the year – to symbolize we should have a sweet year.
Honey has been cultivated by humans for the last 7,000 years – not only for its sweetness, but also for its medicinal powers. But did you know that to make one pound of honey, a swarm of honeybees flies about 24,000 miles and visits 3 to 9 million flowers? Let’s hear it for our little winged friends!
And here are some home remedies – no guarantee that they work, but what have you got to lose? Be healthy!
- For obesity, high blood pressure and/or high cholesterol drink a cup of hot water with a teaspoon of honey and 5 to 10 drops of apple cider vinegar early in the morning daily. To heal a wound dress it daily with sterilized gauze brushed with honey; dispose at night.
- For the common cold mix 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon with 1 teaspoon honey and consume two or three times a day. Or just honey in tea – we’ve all heard of that.
- To clear your sinuses take a mixture of 1 teaspoon each of fresh ginger juice and honey two or three times a day.
- For nausea, vomiting, and/or indigestion mix one part lemon juice with one part honey. Dip your index finger into this mixture and lick it slowly twice daily.
- For anxiety drink 1 cup of orange juice with 1 teaspoon of honey and a pinch of nutmeg powder twice daily.