I didn’t know that 2
It’s time for a light bit of educational information, most of which we could all do without but which can
It’s time for a light bit of educational information, most of which we could all do without but which can
And now : some ironies and funnies from life in general and the English language that we learned from the
And now for a little bit of lighter stuff: In the interests of public social health, I went to the
1. You have a roof over your head. 2. You ate today. 3. You have a good heart. 4. You
Here’s an abbreviated list of creative ways to say “I’m tired.”: 1. I’m whacked. 2. I’m dog-tired. 3. I’m spent.
According to the American Institute of Stress (there really is such an institution) there are some quick ways to alleviate
And on a lighter note, we once again present fun facts that you will probably never have reason to use.
❖ For information about ALL medical problems (real and not goofy) – whether short-term or long-term check out http://shirapranskyproject.org/directory. This
A very important source of information is the Homefront Command (Pikud HaOref). They are the arm of the armed forces
One really important piece if information we would like you to have is something passed on to us by the