Between two children, four married grandchildren and four great-grandchildren it is no wonder that Doreen and Jeff are busier than ever they were when he was a practicing pharmacist and she a high school English teacher. Jeff (who is the cornerstone of the Ashdod Badminton Club lo! these many years) and Doreen play badminton together, volunteer at the Handicapped Soldiers’ Home together, and have been happily married together for 57 years. They help to sponsor newcomers to the Land as well as remain staunch friends to many old timers.
Originally from South Africa, they have carved a niche for themselves in Ashdod and are known to people from all walks of life. Jeff collects stamps and coins, while Doreen romps from one helpful project to another. We are proud to have these two estimable people in the ranks of our veteran members.
Since this writing Doreen has passed away.